Cosmic Pour
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My name is Amanda.
Nice to meet You.

I’m the aspiring artist behind the creations on this site. I have had a lifelong passion for all things “art”. Starting with doodling and drawing as a child to canvas painting in college and now with custom jewelry and resin work. Art has been more than just a hobby for me; it is a way for me to put the work day aside and pour my heart, soul, and artistic desires into things of beauty.

All my work is created at my home in Michigan using the highest quality components and materials. I have a room in my house dedicated to my hobbies so I can experiment and perfect my techniques to ensure that whatever I offer is exactly how I imagined and hoped it would be. Many of the pieces you see here have come about as the result of numerous trials and errors. Let me know what you think and I hope you find something that you love!

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